
13Nov 2018

Monday, 12 November 2018 TO: All Permanent Missions to the United Nations in New York   Your Excellencies, The undersigned national, regional and international civil society organizations urge your government to support resolution A/C.3/73/L.42 on the promotion and protection of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has been presented to the Third […]

11Feb 2018

It is with great sadness that we heard of the death of Ms. Asma Jahangir, the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran. She passed away on February 11, 2018, and defenders of human rights, particularly those in Iran, mourn her death. Iranian society lost one of the most vocal champions of its rights, […]

22May 2016

On May 17, Ismael Fattahi, Iran’s Labor Movement Activist, in his article “On the Importance of The Day Against Homophobia” posted on IRQO website, wrote that it is indeed important to fight homophobia within Iran’s civil movements. He elaborated on the Penal Code and punishments embedded in Sharia law against individual gays and lesbians in […]

22May 2016

On May 17, Shahrman Kiani, IRQO’s psychologist member of the organization, who is also and essayist and translator, contributed his views in an articles called “Does Homophobia Make Us Miserable?” and concluded that “limited possibilities, distressed life conditions, constant failures, social and parental pressures, widespread homophobia in individual and social levels, eventually, results in a […]

18Aug 2015

Starting Thursday, August 12, on Facebook [ ], the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) launches the first episode of a commissioned graphic novel, Yousef and Farhad, a story about the struggles for acceptance by two fictional gay men in Iran. This weekly publication will be the start of the digital campaign: #LoveForAll. The campaign kickoff on Facebook includes […]

17May 2015

In order to spread the word of IDAHOT in even more places around the world, the Iranian Queer Oganization IRQO have put in all their efforts to translate some of the IDAHOT Artworks into Farsi. Please feel free to post, share and use these to highlight the importance of the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia […]

19Nov 2014

Saghi Ghahraman, President of IRQO, and Hossein Alizadeh, IGLHRC’s Middle East and North Africa Program Coordinator met with the director of RSD (Refugee Status Determination) of UNHCR – Geneva on Wednesday October 1st. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Geneva serves as the Legislative Head Quarter for the United Nation’s High Commissioner for […]

08Jul 2014

       Pride parade is held in Istanbul. As a matter of fact, this is the biggest Pride parade held in a country with a Muslim majority and also is the closest Pride parade to Iran. This parade first started in 2003 with the participation of 30 people and in 2013 nearly 100,000 people […]

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